Check out the new and updated web page.
With Todd back from New Zealand the roller sprints are making a big come back. Todd and Cal are working hard to get this back in full effect. There first 2 big event is on Thursday Feb 26 and Saturday Feb 28. Check the web page for more updates.
Below are some photos from past Salt City Sprints events and the photo shoot for new flier. If you have any more pics please send them over to me.
The Salt City Sprints man himself (Todd, dressed in full team black out gear)
BFC rider Aaron S. The Salt City Sprints Races from last January at Urban
BFC rider Tyler racing at last years event at Urban
bummer that two major bike events are going on that night of the 28th... oh well.
this is why i wanted to start a meeting once a month so we don't step on toes... i am doing one @ brewvies on the first sunday of the month @ 8p.
danny i am stoked about this blog the bikers of the slc. i am stoked.